Mahogany Roraima is planting the world’s largest African Mahogany sustainable forest, it will
be 20,000ha in 10 years.
Over the next 10 years we will plant 20,000ha of African mahogany (50% of the area) and
native trees of the Roraima state plowed (50% remaining), Brazil (Legal Amazon) and only
African Mahogany trees will be cut, the native trees will be left intact.

We decided to create a machine that would allow to plant each seedling in a specific place, to plant a lot, fast, and with only two operators.
Learn more about Forest.Bot visiting our web site AutoAgroMachines.com. The year 2023 will be the launch year of Forest.Bot V9R3. Starting in July 2023, we will enable the Forest.Bot pre-purchase option, which should hit the market for approximately $540,000.
Why Do We Plant In Roraima?
The State of Roraima has the best climatic and soil conditions for the development of African Mahogany Trees. While in Brazil the average production of wood should be between 0.5m3 and .09m3, in the same period of time in Roraima (North of Brazil) the expectation of wood production should be around 1.8m3. There is a plantation in Roraima with 21 years, where the average production of wood is 1.84m3 and where there are many mahogany trees with 2m3.
Another important factor for planting trees in Roraima is the land price, which can vary from US$ 1,300 to US$ 3,500 per hectare, being considered the best land price in Brazil.
Better climatic conditions and soil for the development of African mahogany.
Lower land price per hectare in Brazil.
Trees with 1.84m3 at 18 years of age.
Easy production outflow.
Exit route through the Panama Canal.
The soil in Roraima is similar to the soil where African mahogany grows naturally in Africa, which makes Roraima an excellent place to plant it.

Sustainable Forest
Our new planting project consists of planting 50% of selected native trees in the planting region and multiplied in the nursery through three main methods, seeds for seedling production, cuttings cloning and in vitro micro propagation cloning.
According to the species used and our ability to develop one of the three planting methods, we will be producing seedlings for reforestation. In each planting we will use a greater variety of native species to reach a consortium that most closely resembles a native forest.
Mahogany Roraima In Numbers
From 2016 to 2022, we planted approximately 2,500 hectares. Due to the difficulties created by the previous government, it was not possible to plant at the intended speed. Many obstacles and difficulties were created in the period from 2018 to 2022, while deforestation was allowed in the state.

599 Hectares planted
498,967 Total trees

1801 Planted Hectares
1,999,200 Total trees

4,000 Hectares plant
3,332,000 Total trees

4,000 Hectares plant
3,332,000 Total trees

4,000 Hectares plant
3,332,000 Total trees
Preserve the environment and guarantee development: this is the objective of all the actions that guarantee the environmental sustainability defended by Mahogany Roraima.
It consists of maintaining the functions and components of the ecosystem, in a sustainable way, seeking the acquisition of measures that are realistic for the sectors of human activities. The idea is to achieve development in all fields, without it being necessary to attack the environment.
Searching For Replacement Credit?
Contact us to check the availability of forestry replacement credits and price. Enter the data of the legal representative.
Solidarity Forest
In 2018 we created a project to generate work and income, which we call Solidary Forest.
What is the Solidarity Forest?
The Solidary Forest consists of the installation of agroforestry with units to produce vegetables and fruits. Mahogany Roraima allows you to choose the planted forest, the installation, the irrigation system, produce and deliver vegetable and fruit seedlings in the main months, provide fertilizer and limestone, and assist in the distribution of food in regional markets.
Sports Sponsorship
Mahogany Roraima Racing

João Paulo
Brazilian Champion – Jiu-Jitsu BJJ

Kayron Noronha
Brazilian vice champion – Jiu-Jitsu BJJ
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