Preserve the environment and guarantee development: this is the objective of all the actions that guarantee the environmental sustainability defended by Mahogany Roraima. It consists of maintaining the functions and components of the ecosystem, in a sustainable way, seeking the acquisition of measures that are realistic for the sectors of human activities. The idea is to achieve development in all fields, without it being necessary to attack the environment.
And how to do that? Through the intelligent use of natural resources, ensuring that they have longevity, that is, they hold for the future. In this line, Environmental Sustainability is the ability to maintain the natural environment viable to the maintenance of living conditions for people and other species. This also guarantees the quality of life for man, taking into account the habitability, the beauty of the environment and its function as a source of renewable energies.
The adoption of measures that support the environment guarantees, in the medium and long term, a planet in good condition for the development of diverse forms of life, including human life, guaranteeing the maintenance of natural resources (forests, forests, rivers, lakes, oceans ) needed for the quality of life of the next generations.